Amanda M. Stojanov
Assistant Professor, Digital Media, Monmouth University

M.F.A. Design Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
B.F.A. in Graphic Design, Monmouth University

Co-Principal Investigator, IDM Research Lab

Amanda Stojanov is a media artist who investigates how innovations in communication technologies affect perceptions of identity, agency, and visibility, emphasizing concepts of embodiment and the “historically constituted body” within a networked-society. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally in renowned venues such as ISEA, UC Santa Cruz, Saatchi Art’s The Other Art Fair, UCLA’s New Wight Gallery, the Ammerman Center for Arts and Technology at Connecticut College, the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Ars Electronica, and the New Museum (online exhibition). Her work has been featured in publications like Artillery magazine, The New York Times, and The Associated Press. She earned her MFA from UCLA and currently serves as an assistant professor at Monmouth University.


Through installations and the use of world-building techniques, Amanda investigates how innovations in communication technologies affect perceptions of identity, agency, and visibility, with an emphasis on concepts of embodiment and the “historically constituted body” within a networked-society. Areas of expertise are new media, multi-media installations, design, interactivity, creative coding, and networked media. Research interests are physical computing, game-theory, mixed reality, and computer graphics within the context of new media art, critical theory, and society.


2021 Feb-April “I am real, 2020” UUU (Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfmeinism in 2021) virtual exhibition made in collaboration with, CAA Visual, and New Media Caucus.
2020 VoidLab in the “Cyberfeminism Index”, Curated by Mindy Seu. Commissioned by Rhizome and co-presented with with New Museum’s First Look. Website.
2020 Oct “The Climate Shelter” and “Hurricane” at the Jersey Shore Arts Center. Permanent Installation.
2020 Oct Glitch Art Festival 2020 Participant, “, I am real” Zagreb, Croatia
2019 Oct Glitch Art Festival 2019 Participant, “Your Choice” Zagreb, Croatia
2019 Sept-Dec “Just Beachy/After Sandy Exhibit”, DiMattio Gallery, Monmouth University
2019 Mar FEMMEBIT Festival at Human Resources LA, “Steel Scene” 2019, Peer reviewed
2019 Mar “Steel Scene” Presented at The Other Art Fair Los Angeles, Curated by FEMMEBIT
2018 Aug Madein LA: Vibrant Matters at the Beacon Arts Center: Nook Gallery
2018 New Media Film Festival “Live VR Corridor-Mixed Reality after Bruce Nauman”
2018 Jan USCS (UC Santa Cruz) Right to Re- Exhibit, “View From Everywhere”2017 Aug Feminist Climate Change Ars Electronica “Your Choice”, “The Void” is collection of videos featuring voidLab artists. Group Exhibit.
2017 Aug Artopia at Grand Central Station by Dublab, IndieCade 2017 Apr MFA UCLA Design Media arts “Delete me”, Final Exhibition, New Wight Gallery
2017 Apr Graduate Open Studios, DMA, UCLA
2017 Feb Far Bazaar, Cerritos College, CA
2016 Nov ARTOPIA by LA Weekly, VR project, View From Nowhere
2016 Oct FLOAT VR Exhibit, “View From Everywhere” Perpetual Dawn, Downtown LA
2016 Oct UCLA “Free As In” MFA Student show, New Wight Gallery
2016 Jun Fantastic VR Gallery (presented by USC Interactive Media & Games)


2021-Present Faculty Advisor to HawkInteractive student organization, Monmouth University
2020-Present PGIS (Program for Gender and Intersectionality Studies, Monmouth University) Affiliated Faculty
2020-Present Faculty Advisor to Pride Club student organization, Monmouth University
2020-Present FAMCO Liaison, and Social Media Role on the LMC (Labor Management Committee)
2019-Present ArtNOW Active Member. Current Role: Chair as of June 2020.
2019-Present IDM Research Lab, Monmouth University, Co-Principal Investigator
2018 HOLA: Heart of Los Angeles, Mentor for St. Anne’s Girls School global competition for JPL NASA
2016 - Present Decentralizing The Web, by voidLab, UCLA Grant from the office of Equity Diversity and Inclusio (Recipient, Grant Author and Grant Manager)
2016 - 2017 FEC Student Representative, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
2016 - Present Co-founder, voidLab, UCLA

COURSES at Monmouth University

2022 Spring

  • Introduction to Digital Media - CO 221
  • Message Construction: Audio, Video and Web - CO 561
  • Responsive Media - CO 404, AR 404

2021 Fall

  • Interactive Digital Media Studio - CO 563
  • Introduction to Digital Media - CO 221
  • Media Literacy - CO 155

2021 Summer B

  • Interactive Media Theory - CO 562

2021 Spring